Strona główna > Aktualności > Archiwum > 2013 > Rekrutacja do projektu "Obywatele na horyzoncie"

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HF (2013-11-28)

Do you want to change something? Submit to the Internet and stationary course Citizens on the Horizon ‘Everyone, who feels some kind of empathy towards the world, who looks around, who asks questions, can be a reporter.’

And that is why we are looking until 31st świętokrzyskie and lubelskie voivodeships! We invite to participate in free of charge civil and film workshops! The project CITIZENS ON THE HORIZON is a course of creating film reportage with
addition of a bit of civil knowledge! Take part in 5 conventions in Warsaw, meet people who are interested in local issues just like you, learn how to create film reportage and CHANGE SOMETHING IN YOUR COMMUNITY! In the end, all documentaries will be screened in the cinema Muranów in Warsaw.

Please send this information TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Only thanks to cooperation with local institutions, media and organizations we can inform all the people who may be interested in this educational possibility. WORKSHOPS ARE FREE OF CHARGE, recruitment lasts till the 24th number of participants is limited.

Visit: and profile on the FB: Citizens on the Horizon:

As encouragement, it is what experts, participating in the project, are saying:

I started dealing with the TV reportage in the editorial section of the programme ‘Prosto z Polski’ (‘Straight from Poland’) on the TVN24 network. Earlier I was working in news broadcast. It was something completely different. News has to be concise, there is no time for emotions nor play with image and sound. Reportage has opened a new chapter in my life. It was a challenge. I have met many interesting people and many stories, sometimes difficult and moving. I won’t forget some of the people I’ve made reportages about, and there are some with whom I still keep in touch. Reportage shows the world how it is, in a direct manner. Camera transfers reality on a screen and creates relation, reporter becomes observer, participant, sometimes even a detective. Documentary, however, allows more freedom and its form often allows deep analysis of a subject. Can everyone create a reportage? Of course, the most important are passion and idea. May for active people from małopolskie, podkarpacke, May, the I would like to show participants how to prepare yourself for the realization of the subject, how to deal with the problems, which may occur during creation of the reportage and how to think in terms
of ‘image’ and ‘sound’.

JAROSŁAW WSZĘDYBYŁ (documentary film-maker):
I don’t remember, for how long I’ve been dealing with film. Because it is a path that if you start walking on it and you catch the film bug, there is no way out. To cut a long story short – a passion. A peculiar one, since it allows you to live not only your life, but also lives of people about whom you are making reportages, people around you. The passion, which
allows you to constantly ask questions and seek answers for them. When I wonder, what else could I do in my life, I think about many professions, because I am interested in many things. That’s why I deal with only one – film:) Today boundaries between genres are becoming fuzzier. Both a reportage and a documentary evolve. Everything is becoming more and more cross-disciplinary. But I think that the most general difference is that a documentary is a subjective, most often creative perspective on a particular subject, issue, person. It doesn’t aim in changing the world, solving problems. The aim of
documentary, and film in general, is an attempt to reflect a deeper truth and phenomena through a story about specific situation and specific characters. Reportage was and to a great extent still is a form which mainly tries to draw attention to a given, specific problem. To the issue that is the subject of a reportage. It is a mean, which can or even should be an incentive to make a first step towards solving the problem. Because of its film form, it is a perfect tool for such actions, as in the world of today we are all set up for the culture of image. On the other hand, documentary and reportage are similar in the respect that emotions are the most important in both of them. Good reportage and good documentary should stir up emotions. Everyone, who feels some kind of empathy towards the world, who looks around, who asks questions, can be a reporter. My films, including ‘Jaguary chodzą po ulicach’ (‘Jaguars are walking on the streets’) or ‘Zabawy z czasem’ (‘Playing with time’) could have been seen on the meet the author sessions and film festivals (including ‘Człowiek w zagrożeniu’ (‘Human in danger’) in Łódź, ‘Lato filmów’ (‘The movie summer’) in Warsaw, GdanskDocFilm in Gdańsk, Off Cinema Poznań etc.). I was also the second director of the highly awarded short film by Bartosz Warwas ‘MC. Człowiek z winylu’ (‘MC. The man from vinyl’). I also cooperated with Leszek Dawid in the movies ‘Ki’ and ‘Jesteś bogiem’ (‘You are a god’).

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