Strona główna > Projekty > Zrealizowane > Wsparcie integracji dzieci uchodźców 2012

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HF (2012-04-15)

Refugee children integration assistance

The project is a continuation and extension of Homo Faber Association's activities for providing equal opportunities for refugee children in the classroom and their integration with the local community. Up to date we have been organising teacher workshops, multicultural workshops for students, public events for local communities and since April 2009 compensatory classes for refugee children.

The project intends to create three youth clubs in areas where the refugee camps are located: Lublin, Łuków and Zalesie. The clubs will employ two tutoresses: Polish and Chechen, therefore each class will be conducted in both languages and consider both cultural contexts.

The youth club will offer such activities as: compensatory classes and kindergarten programme, language classes, psychological, art, music and traditional Chechen dance workshops, as well as other workshops suggested by volunteers.
Additionally, we plan to create libraries, with the book collection covering three languages: Polish, Russian, Chechen.

Moreover, the idea of the project includes structuralised advocacy activities towards appointing cultural assistant paid from the local administrative budget in three schools attended by the refugee children.

The project is realised by the Homo Faber Association in the period of January 1 - December 31 2012. The project is co-funded by the European Refugee Fund, the State Budget, the City of Lublin and the Ministry of National Education.

Here you can read the evaluation report.

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