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Let's repir it!

HF (2013-11-18)

Let's Repair It! - preliminaries

Lublin, represented by the City Hall as well as other organisational  units and institutions with offices, is opening to its inhabitants. The City Hall wants to actively cooperate with them, hear their opinions and use their help. As a part of these actions, from October 2011, institution notification  system for small problems in the city will be tested. It is based on the 
checked in the UK. Homo Faber, in cooperation with the Chancellery of the President of Lublin, moderates the local stage of the Polish website, NaprawmyTo 

(Let's Repair It). The website was designed in the first half of 2011 by the Stocznia Research and Social Innovations Workshop and the invited NGO's. The completion of the project is possible thanks to the support of Stefan Batory Foundation. The pilot project was has been launched only in eleven Polish cities: in Kraków, Łódź, Rzeszów, Przemyśl, Toruń and  Katowice, among other.

The NaprawmyTo project is a test to introduce an internet device which will allow for notifying small problems noticed in the public space very easily, using an internet map. Reported problems involve cases where immediate reaction is not necessary (assault, theft, medical help and other) or cases connected with investments (the construction of a new  playground, change of traffic arrangement and so on). Cases which may be reported through the website are as follows: a burnt-out light bulb in a street lamp, unauthorised dumping, dead animal, graffiti calling on people to hate and other. The website will be accessible from a PC and mobile phones with android as well as iphones where we will define the category and manually set the location of a problem on the map.

The essential aim of the website is the integration of Lublin inhabitants round common problems noticed in the city space and direct notification to an organisational or cell unit of the Lublin City Hall. We want the device to be a platform of mutual communication between the authorities and inhabitants. For the City Hall, it has a chance to be the basic source of information concerning problems identified by the inhabitants. It will influence the speed and efficacy of recognition 
and reaction of appropriate services to problems appearing in the public space. As one of the eleven cities in Poland, Lublin has a chance to be a role model of quality training in the range of community participation. The website will be available to inhabitants of the city in April 2012.

The main webpage of the device is from which you are redirected to local stages. Every instance has accepted their own testing schedule. In Lublin, tests will be performed till the moment the website is available to the inhabitants. Tests are going to be reduced after this moment. Some of the cities engaged in the project have decided to promote the device now. A few days ago, Toruń took such action. Other days show what effect the "opening" of the system may have on the users.

Project carried out from 1st October 2011 to 30th June 2012.

Project carried out thanks to the support of Stefan Batory Foundation of 50 000 zl.

Project Team:
Kinga Kulik (
Piotr Skrzypczak
Jacek Warda

Translation into English: Paweł Tutka

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